Personal loans typically have much lower rates than credit cards, and have fixed monthly payments to make budgeting easier. Use a personal loan to consolidate credit card debt or fund large one-time purchases such as vacations, computers, or engagement rings.
GUASFCU's 3L Loans are designed for members in their last year of law school. This loan can be used to help fund expenses related to the bar exam and living expenses before they begin their job after graduation. 3L Loans allow you to defer payment for up to 12 months, until you become well-situated in your new job.
GUASFCU's Graduation Loan is designed for members transitioning between Georgetown and the real world. It is perfect for housing, living, and travel costs in the summer before starting work. You can apply for a Graduation Loan with proof of employment in the form of an offer letter from an employer. A Graduation Loan allows you to defer payments until you start receiving your paycheck.
Your credit score is an incredibly important number that affects more than just your ability to qualify for a particular loan. Landlords and even employers look at your score as a signal of responsibility. While the credit bureaus cannot discriminate based on age, they implicitly do by taking into account how long it has been since you have opened your first loan. Spend a little money today to potentially save thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in the future.
GUASFCU's Internship Loan is designed for members with a summer or semester internship. It is perfect to pay for housing, living, and travel costs before starting work. You can apply for an Internship Loan with proof of employment in the form of an offer letter from an employer. An Internship Loan allows you to defer payments until you start receiving your paycheck.